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Our Essential Listening

The Music Diet (2019) by Dr Julia Jones

Part of a trilogy, this series of texts formed a foundation of inspiration for our manifesto. Jump to the schedule at the back of the Music Diet for day to day achievable life hacks to plans to assist with more serious needs of dementia care and autism. 

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This Must Be the Place (2023) by Shain Shapiro

This Must Be the Place introduces and examines music’s relationship to cities. Not the influence cities have on music, but the powerful impact music can have on how cities are developed, built, managed and governed.

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Long Players (2021) edited by Tom Gatti

One thing we love about karaoke is when someone chooses a song that has meaning or relevance to them and commits to singing it with all their heart. This comforting book goes further by allowing writers to select albums and share insight into their relationships with commercial music and how it may have shaped their lives. We enjoyed the variety of choices. 

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The Fundamentals of Fashion Filmmaking (2023) by Nilgin Yusuf

We've had the opportunity to be part of licensing music to fashion brands over the years and it has been extraordinary to see how it has become a film genre in its own right. This guide includes interviews with filmmakers and industry experts - you might spot a few words on music from our founder.

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The Musical Human (2021) by Michael Spitzer

The musicologist, Michael Spitzer, addresses the often overlooked and much undervalued origin story of music and how it has defined our species. 

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